Aww Kirsty was one of my last weddings of the year last year and what a gorgeous one it was too.
Kirsty and Michael got married last October at the fabulous Mount Plesant in Doncaster.
Kirsty wanted a rich burngudy colour with vintage peaches so I came up with this combination.

Flowers chosen was Grand prix roses, Spray peach Avalanche roses, astilble, lysmachia, burngurndy dahlias, sedum, scabious heads and smoke bush finished with ferns and trials of jasmine.

The bridesmaids was just simple bouquets of Grand prix roses with white astrania edged around. Perfect colour against the dresses.

Michael's Buttonhole with the grandprix rose with all flowers to theme Kirsty's bouquet finished with rustic twine.

And the table centers was all flowers themed with a large Jam jar in the middle with smaller grouped flowers surrounding.
Hope you enjoyed this little wedding feature you can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with the latest news.